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Generate Print Ready File using API

API Credentials

Before starting to use our API we should first create an API token:

  1. Go to Api Keys on the Expivi dashboard and press on the Create button.
  2. Set a descriptive name and select the Viewer Token role. Press on the Create button.

Make sure to use an API key of type "Viewer Token" here, as it provides only read access. It is also recommended to enter your website's domain in the "Host" field to narrow the usability of the token.

Create Api Token

  1. A new token will be shown after its creation.

    Make sure to save this token for later use, since you won't be able to access it again after closing this modal.

Access Token

  1. You can close the window and start using the token.

Authentication and Authorization

Api Authorization Header

Our API is stateless, so you need to provide a token for each request. We use Bearer authentication so a valid token should be provided via the Authorization header.

Refer to API Credentials in order to create a token.

Create Configured Product

This endpoint creates a new ConfiguredProduct based on the received configuration. That configuration is generated from the configuration viewer (Refer to Get product configuration).


POST: /api/configured_product/bundle


AuthorizationBearer {Token}


Here is a sample JSON configuration that shows the structure of the configuration. (Refer to Get product configuration to generate a valid configuration).

"bundle_uuid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx",
"configured_products": [
"version": "2.0",
"catalogue_id": 2649,
"configuration": {
"attributes": [
"attribute_id": 143408,
"attribute_name": "svg_canvas",
"attribute_value": {
"media_id": 149549,
"print_ready_file_id": 24,
"svg_element": "image52",
"canvas": {
"objects": [],
"type": "",
"version": 0
"attribute_value_name": ""
"materials": {
"attributes": [
"attribute_id": 143408,
"attribute_name": "svg_canvas",
"attribute_value": {
"media_id": 149549,
"print_ready_file_id": 24,
"svg_element": "image52",
"canvas": {
"objects": [],
"type": "",
"version": 0
"attribute_value_name": ""
"thumbnail": "...",
"articles": [],
"type": "root",
"scene_object_id": null,
"uuid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx",
"bundle_uuid": "xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxx",
"view_position": [
"view_rotation": [
"view_quaternion": [
"view_scale": [
"price": {
"base": 354
"replication_type": "ORIGINAL"


The response contains the configured product's uuid and id:

"1dab9ebe-30b7-4bd0-7835-1f7dcac436fe": 146428

The id is used in the next step SVG Conversion

SVG Conversion

Once the configured product is created, the user can proceed to create a single print-ready file using this endpoint. Note that it accepts different formats depending on the user's needs. That will be the resulting format for the print-ready file.




  • format - the resulting format of the converted image that will be also used for Print Ready File. Possible values are:
    • jpg
    • jpeg
    • pdf
    • png
    • webp
    • svg
    • tiff (The Vector Conversion feature is required)
    • eps (The Vector Conversion feature is required)


AuthorizationBearer {Token}
Acceptapplication/json, text/plain, */*


  • configured_product_id (required) - Configured product ID retrieved in the Create configured product step.
  • print_ready_file_id (required) - The identifier of the Print Ready File Configuration of which you want to generate a Print Ready File. (See Create configured product)
"configured_product_id": 123,
"print_ready_file_id": 12

The conversion will use the Print Ready File settings that are defined in the Backoffice, but we have the ability to override these properties within the request. Just provide any of the following settings to override the original ones:

  • hide_placeholders - Hides the placeholders.
  • hide_print_marks - Hides the print marks.
  • cmyk - Whether to convert a PDF to CMYK.
  • color_profile - The file to use as color profile for CMYK conversion.
  • dpi - The DPI for the raster output.
  • resolution - The resolution for the output; min 32, max 6144.
  • attribute_payload - Array of objects containing the Expivi attributes.
  • masks - An array of object masks.
    • pattern - An SVG Pattern.
    • selector - A selector for the element in the SVG to scale with wildcard support.
  • transformations - An array of object transformations.
    • scale - A float determining the new scale.
    • selector - A selector for the element in the SVG to scale with wildcard support.
    • origin - An object with the scale origin.
      • x - The X coordinate for the scale origin.
      • y - The Y coordinate for the scale origin.
  • fonts - An array of object fonts.
    • name - The name of the font.
    • url - A URL to the font.


The response contains the conversion hash, and also the status and files properties.

  • hash - SVG conversion hash.
  • status - Reflects the status of the conversion. The possible values are:
  • files - Contains the URLs of the generated Print Ready Files if the status of the conversion is complete. Will be empty if status is in-progress.
"hash": "8c09205c75d154591c9f5bc3798dda7a",
"status": "in-progress",
"files": []

Check SVG Conversion Status

Generating a Print Ready file would generally be finished within seconds. The time it takes to finish a Print Ready file depends on the configuration. The bigger the configuration, the longer it takes to apply all the changes in the Print Ready file. The size of the configuration is generally in line with the amount of SVG attributes you provide in your product.

In extreme cases, a configuration could take more than 30 seconds. Such time is no good to stall your website until the conversion is finished. This API will help keep track of the progress of the conversion.


This request requires an API key of type "Team Owner Token".

(You can skip this if the conversion was already completed in the previous step SVG Conversion).





AuthorizationBearer {Token}
Acceptapplication/json, text/plain, */*


  • hash - SVG conversion hash
  • status - The current status of the given conversion. The possible values are:
    • in-progress: The conversion is still in progress.
    • complete: The conversion is successfully completed. We can Preview and Download Print Ready File now.
    • failed: Something went wrong and the conversion wasn't complete.
  • files - Contains the resulting Print Ready File. It will have the format provided in the SVG Conversion step.
"hash": "8c09205c75d154591c9f5bc3798dda7a",
"status": "complete",
"files": [

Rate Limiting and Throttling

Our API requests for viewer tokens are limited to 200 requests/min. This limit is applied by IP. Once the limit is reached, you will receive a HTTP error with status code 429:

"error": true,
"code": 429,
"message": "Too Many Attempts.",
"class_name": "ThrottleRequestsException"

Error handling

Common API Errors

When an API request results in an error, we receive a response with error details and the corresponding HTTP status code. Usually, the response body contains the following data:

  • error - Is always true in case of any error.
  • code - Value that represents the error code.
  • message - Brief description of the error.
  • class_name - Exception class, used as an additional identifier.


"error": true,
"code": 429,
"message": "Too Many Attempts.",
"class_name": "ThrottleRequestsException"

Validation Errors

In case of a validation error, the API will throw a 422 Unprocessable Content HTTP response. The response body has a slightly different format:

  • error - Is always true in case of error.
  • message - Description of the validation error.
  • class_name - Is always ValidationException.
  • messages - An array that contains the fields that didn't pass the validation with their respective error messages.

Example of a validation error for invalid identifier field:

"error": true,
"message": "The identifier must be a string.",
"class_name": "ValidationException",
"messages": {
"identifier": [
"The identifier must be a string."

Api Errors

HTTP CodeHTTP ErrorDescription
401UnauthorizedThe API key is not valid. Please double-check your API key or create a new one (API Credentials)
403ForbiddenYour token doesn't have the proper role.
Please make sure to assign the Viewer Token role when creating a new token.
404Not FoundThe resource wasn't found. Please check if it wasn't deleted
422Unprocessable ContentSome fields didn't pass the validation. Please check the messages property for more information.
429Too Many RequestsYou've reached the API rate limit.
500Internal Server ErrorSomething went wrong on the API side. Please check the message property for more information.