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The way Expivi connects with Sana introduces a couple of limitations, these limitations are discussed here.

Product Presentation

Expivi's Product Presentation allows you to easily customize the look of your product configurator via our Backoffice.

The layout settings related to Product Presentation will not apply inside the iFrame opened by Sana.
It is still possible to customize the layout to your liking by modifying the twig files inside the Expivi theme.

Print-ready files allow customers to upload images and other assets to customize their products. These files are then used for, for example, printing.

Print-ready files are currently only stored on Expivi. The created order in Sana Commerce will include a reference to Expivi in order to access the Print-ready files.

Special Characters in Sana Item No. and Presets

Due to a technical limitation on Expivi's side, it is currently not allowed to put some special characters inside the name of a preset in Expivi.

Current known characters that cause issues:

  • Full stop (.)

Sana's Quantity and Unit Options

Sana provides quantity and unit options on their product page.

These options are currently not supported by Expivi and thus changing those options will not affect the output of Expivi's configuration.

Expivi will always use a quantity of 1 and the Piece (PCS) unit.