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XPV Object

In th Script Engine sandbox there is no global, or window object, instead there is a global xpv object.

type xpv = {
articles: {
getById(id: number): null|Article,
getByName(name: string): null|Article,
getBySKU(sku: string): null|Article,
getAll(): Article[],
attributes: {
getById(id: number): null|Attribute,
getByName(name: string): null|Attribute,
getByKey(key: string): null|Attribute,
getAll(): Attribute[],
catalogue: {
sku: null|string,
connectors: {
getByName(name: string): null|AdapterContract,
globals: {
getByName(name: string): null|string,
getAll(): string[],
return: (data: any) => any,
user_data: {
getAll(): any[],

type Article = {
material_group_id: number,
material_group_sku: string|null,
models_id: number,
models_name: string,
models_price: number|null,
models_sku: string|null,
price_sku: string|null,

type Attribute = {
attribute_id: number,
attribute_name: string,
attribute_key: null|string,
attribute_value: AttributeValue,
attribute_value_name: string,
attribute_value_key: null|string,

type AttributeValue = {
attribute_value_id: number,

The structure of AttributeValue can vary depending on the type of attribute.


The xpv.connectors.getByName() method returns any type of connector based on what is configured in the Backoffice.

type AdapterContract = {
getName(): string,

Spreadsheet Connectors

All spreadsheet connectors (Spreadsheet, CSV Zip) have the same API.

type SpreadsheetAdapter = AdapterContract & {
getSheetByName(name: null|string): SpreadsheetAdapterContract,
rangeToArray(range: string): any[][],

HTTP Connector

type HttpAdapter = AdapterContract & {
setHeaders(headers: { [key: string]: string }): HttpAdapter,
setHeader(key: string, value: string): HttpAdapter,
setPathParams(params: { [key: string]: string }): HttpAdapter,
setPathParam(key: string, value: string): HttpAdapter,
request(parameters: { [key: string]: string }): HttpResponse,

type HttpResponse = {
body(): string,
json(): object|any,
status(): int,
header(header: string): null|string,
headers(): { [key: string]: string },

HTTP Feed Connector

type HttpFeedAdapter = AdapterContract & {
get(): HttpResponse,