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Best Practices

Custom Export for Configuration Details

Although WooCommerce has many integration plugins for a wide range of ERP and CRM systems, sometimes you may be unable to find one, or the available plugin may be missing some features. In that case, you can export the order details to an external CSV, XML, or JSON file so that your ERP or CRM system can use these files to import the order and configuration details.

We recommend the paid plugin WP All Import (with the Export Pro add-on) by Soflyy. This plugin can export your WooCommerce orders with all customer, order, and Expivi configuration details to a CSV or XML file. This file may be imported automatically by your ERP or CRM system.

WP All Import

PDF Invoice

Because WooCommerce does not have a native PDF invoice feature, you will need a third-party plugin. We recommend using WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips by WP Overnight. This plugin lets you download all order details with the complete 3D configuration as a PDF file.

WooCommerce PDF Invoices & Packing Slips

Request Quote

The Expivi plugin does not currently provide a way to request a quote for a specific product. The "Save Design" and "PDF Generation" features are incompatible with the Request Quote functionality. We recommend to use the NP Quote Request WooCommerce by Neah Plugins.

NP Quote Request WooCommerce