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In this documentation we will walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to set up Expivi in Magento and how to benefit from many features Expivi is offering to give your customers an amazing shopping experience and help you win the competitive landscape of E-Commerce.

Why use Expivi plugin in Magento

  • 3D Product Visualization:
    Immerse your customers in a revolutionary 3D product visualization, providing an interactive and engaging experience that goes beyond the capabilities of traditional online stores.
    Expivi allows your products to come to life in a dynamic and visually striking manner.
  • Millions of Product Variations:
    Tackle the challenge of managing an extensive array of product variations effortlessly.
    Expivi empowers businesses to manage millions of product variations seamlessly, offering unprecedented flexibility in product customization and choice.
  • Bundle Feature for Improved Stock Management:
    Enhance operational efficiency by adding products to the cart as a bundle. This not only streamlines the customer experience but also transforms stock management into a well-organized process.
    Expivi ensures a seamless connection with back-office systems such as ERP, facilitating synchronized and efficient workflows.
  • Real-time Price Calculation:
    Bid farewell to the complexities of pricing for complex products. Expivi's dynamic pricing engine enables real-time price calculations, ensuring accuracy and responsiveness for intricate product configurations.
    Your customers receive instant and precise pricing information, fostering transparency in transactions.
  • Application of Business Rules:
    Guide customers through a clutter-free ordering process by applying bespoke business rules on products.
    Expivi becomes the silent conductor, orchestrating a harmonious transactional experience that not only simplifies the customer journey but also aligns with the unique operational requirements of your business.

Who is this documentation intended for

The integration and initial setup can be done by anyone who has access to the Magento website and can install plugins and edit products. Some installation steps or advanced options might require access to server terminal or might require programming knowledge.

Expivi Magento plugin: